Big Lava Lake Update

Big Lava Lake Update

As mentioned in previous updates, the Lava Lakes are fisheries that we consider good Spring and Fall fisheries. This being said, we have been able to devote a little more time to Big Lave Lake and figure out what is going on out there. We have been fishing down and dirty, with leeches and buggers. Fishing with a type3 sinking line has been our go to. This gets the flies down quickly and deep. Our go-to flies have been black or olive wooly buggers or olive and black zonker leeches.

Fishing near weed beds and aggressive transitions have been our best areas to fish. We are either wind drifting with the type 3 line or casting and stripping. Wind drifting may be your best bet when things start to blow up there. We were picking up most fish at about 15-20 feet of water. Keep this in mind as you are letting that line sink. You can get away with an intermediate line but will need to let it drop more. Remember, most intermediate lines sink about 1.8-2 inches per second.

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