Crane Prairie has been fishing well. Balanced leeches, zebra midges, two-bits, scuds, and san juans have all been picking up fish. Stripping or trolling bunny busters, leeches, thin mints and other streamers is a fun and effective way to pick up some fish and cover some water. Fish are spread throughout the lake so covering some water is a good idea.
Recommended Dries: Chubby Chernobyl Purple #12-14, Para- Cricket #16-12
Recommended Nymphs: Bruised Ballanced Leech #14, Two Bit Hooker #20, Zebra Midge #18-20, Super Sinker #16-18, bead wing midge #18-20, Red Pheasant Tail #14-18, Rainbow Warrior #18-20, Red Ice Cream Cone #12-16, san juan worm #14