Lower D Caddis Update
July 11, 2017
The Lower Deschutes (warm springs to trout creek) has been on FIRE! The caddis is out in swarms and are coming off nearly ALL day. Watch the banks for sipping fish. Be sure to hit these fish on the head with your fly, the typically do not move more than a few inches to sip that caddis down. The fish have been selective in size. Watch the fish see what the eat off the water. If they are eating size 16 tan caddis, that is what they are keyed into at that time. If you see them sipping a size 18 caddis, switch to that, etc. Go to dries have been size 16 or 18 X-Caddis in tan or olive. If the fish are being finicky, try throwing a caddis pupa under the dry, they will take these as well. If you prefer to indicator fish, fish with sz 16-18 tan or olive caddis pupa, sz16-18 anatomy, and sz 18-20 red two-bit hookers.