Lower Deschutes Update May 10, 2024
May 10, 2024
The Lower Deschutes is running at a good level at 4400 CFS today. Our guides have seen increasing numbers of salmon flies on the banks and with the upcoming warm weather look for many more bugs to crawl out and hatch. We are only a week to ten days away from ideal dry fly action in the day stretch. Nymphing has still been the ticket and jimmy legs, girdle bugs, golden stones, duracells, pheasant tails and an assortment of euro nymphs have all been picking up fish. Never a bad idea to throw these offerings under a big salmonfly dry.. Fish are in tight to the banks snacking on stoneflies as they crawl out of the river. A few fish have already been caught on dries and as the hatch works its way up river this will continue to improve.